Support Rachel/Ranch through financial hardship

Support Rachel/Ranch through financial hardship

From Ranch/Rachel Davis

Housing stability, meeting immediate needs, vehicle repairs, and potentially debt repayment.

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Ranch/Rachel Davis posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #3

Thank you, again. I am able to lower the goal another $185!! A further update: I am able to think much more clearly about the future since we've raised ~$4,500. I contact my landord rental property this week, and they had submitted a summons and complaint. However, they would rather work with me than the court. So I'll keep folks updated on that. Godspeed!

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Ranch/Rachel Davis posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #2

Lowering the goal because y'all gave $3,164 on alternative platforms!! We broke 4k in the FIRST day. Thankful to be surrounded by such care. Goodnight honeys.

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Ranch/Rachel Davis posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #1

WOW!!! Thank you so much! Sweeties donated $1.5k (S1,489.35) to my venmo thus far as well, so I will update to lower the goal at the end of the day. We already surpassed 2k and my heart is brimming. Much love and care <3

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