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Updates are the best way to communicate with your supporters about the progress of your campaign. You can also attract new donors by showing that you’re active in your fundraising efforts.
The more details your supporters can learn about your campaign, the more likely they’ll be to donate.
Here are some suggestions for how to write a great update.
Fundraising Progress
Share important milestones that you’ve hit on your fundraising campaign — whether it’s a certain dollar amount you were hoping to achieve or a percentage goal. People are more likely to donate when they see that a campaign is getting traction.
Where’s The Money Going?
Be specific about what you’ve spent the funds on or what you intend to spend on. Donors like being informed about where their money has gone or will be going.
New Developments
Whether you’re raising money for an event or a project or a cause, use this opportunity to update your supporters on any news or happenings.
Personal Stories
Has your campaign made a personal impact on someone? Share their story and let your supporters be part of that experience.
Add an image
You’ve heard it before: a picture’s worth a thousand words.
Updates are the best way to communicate with your supporters about the progress of your campaign. You can also attract new donors by showing that you’re active in your fundraising efforts.
The more details your supporters can learn about your campaign, the more likely they’ll be to donate.
Here are some suggestions for how to write a great update.
Fundraising Progress
Share important milestones that you’ve hit on your fundraising campaign — whether it’s a certain dollar amount you were hoping to achieve or a percentage goal. People are more likely to donate when they see that a campaign is getting traction.
Where’s The Money Going?
Be specific about what you’ve spent the funds on or what you intend to spend on. Donors like being informed about where their money has gone or will be going.
New Developments
Whether you’re raising money for an event or a project or a cause, use this opportunity to update your supporters on any news or happenings.
Personal Stories
Has your campaign made a personal impact on someone? Share their story and let your supporters be part of that experience.
Add an image
You’ve heard it before: a picture’s worth a thousand words.