5K 4 Paws Run for the Cause

5K 4 Paws Run for the Cause

9/27/2014, 8:00AM
Road Runner Sports Westminster 10436 Town Center Drive, Broomfield CO 80021
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Raised (USD)

Days Left: 0
Goal: $5,000

From Road Runner Sports !

Both Rescues serve the public as a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of homeless and abandoned German Shepherd Dogs (GSROR)/ and mix breed dogs (DMK) in Denver, CO.

Road Runner Sports !



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Event Details


Road Runner Sports Westminster 10436 Town Center Drive, Broomfield CO 80021

Date & Time

Saturday, September 27 2014

8:00 AM

More Info

Join Us for the 5K 4 Paws Run for the Cause! 

Saturday, September 27th at Your Road Runner Sports Store in Westminster

Shops at Walnut Creek

10436 Town Center Drive, Westminster, CO. 80021

Check In Begins at 8:00am, Run/Walk Begins at 9:00am

To Register:

1.  Click on Register

2.  Click on Email.  1 Registration per Email Address  (Fundly Restriction)

3.  When additional donation window comes up, close if no additional donations are desired.

4.  Enter Your Information (window may come up twice)

5.  Enter Credit Card Info.  

You're Registered!

GSROR / DMK Mission Statement

Both Rescues' serve the public as a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of homeless and abandoned German Shepherd Dogs (GSROR)/ and mix breed dogs (DMK) in Denver, Colorado and surrounding areas. While providing loving and temporary care, the goal of German Shepherd Rescue of the Rockies and DMK is to find well-matched, carefully-screened, permanent homes and families for each dog. As a community resource, we provide nutrition information, referrals, education, and other services.

Top 2 Fundraisers will Receive a FREE Road Runner Sports Apparel Certificate!

* This is a Family Fun Run with No Chip Timing and No Street Closures.

* Bring your four-legged best friend along! Socialized, leashed pets only please.


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